Thursday, March 31, 2016

Keeper: I made NAAN

Some interesting instructions here

Naan notes
--takes an hour + to rise (may use tips in second article next time)
-- if don't have rolling pin, make do with any cylindrical object-- I used a water bottle
--the thinness of it seemed to be a crucial variable-- thin, but not toooo thin
--the minced garlic added to the butter after (from the tin), was meh on the flavor. may be better added to the dough--see second article

Keeper Recipe: Dal Nirvana

Oh my god. It's so good and so easy and so cheap.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Wow, I did it!

Not even four months into the year, and I've met the first goal.

 I've got 12 keeper recipes!!

 I cook most weeks now.  I could easily bring something that someone else would want to eat if I were invited over. Course, it's a life long process and all that and I've got tons of learning ahead of me, but I did it! I am definitely at accomplished beginner cook stage. :-)

Grab and Go Breakfast: Cottage Cheese Parfait

So, you could totally make this with plain greek yogurt instead, cottage cheese is just usually cheaper. It's delicious with regular yogurt (plain or flavored), but that's not going to have as much protein.

So, here's the deal. Get containers to take to work/school. Get cottage cheese, bag of nuts (baking aisle seems to be cheapest usually for the good stuff), and bag of frozen fruit (I haven't found one that isn't delicious yet-- berries, tropical blend, weird blend with peaches and grapes). Put cottage cheese in the containers, add some nuts and fruit. Then shove the nuts and fruit in the freezer to keep 'em good. Done. Delicious.

Hmmm I should try adding some spices... cardamom or cinnamon or something.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Keeper: Chana Aloo Masala

So, if you come into this with the expectations that this is going to taste just like the Indian food from your favorite restaurant, you're going to be disappointed. Your favorite restaurant probably uses a pile of ghee, don't get their garam masala on sale from Kroger, and probably use a more complex spice combo. However, oh my gosh was it good. Especially once I added sour cream/plain greek yogurt and sriracha? Super addictive.

It was also super easy to make, although I did also have a romcom moment. I was trying to drain the potatoes when I heard all of these popping sounds-- the lovely tomato sauce was trying to splatter all over my walls. So, I tried to hop over there (carrying the pot with me), which caused my poor little foot to cramp. So then I somehow ended up with one shoe off, half crouched by the stove, with one hand massaging my foot and the other hand swatting at the sauce trying to stir it to stop the little explosions. It was fun.

Cost: Cheap? It's from budget bytes. That's all I know.
Convenience: This is quite easy to make. If I could chop potatoes evenly and quickly it could be quite fast! The sauce does need some monitoring if you take too long though.
Delicious: This is way better the second day and with the creaminess and a little more spice added. Sooooooooooooo delicious.
Freeze: Apparently yes. Budget bytes Beth says the potato might get grainy, but she thinks it'd be great.
Uses: Fast dinner with Indianish twist?
Notes: I added twice the garam masala as suggested because I think mine was pretty weak, I also ended up adding some sour cream and sriracha. Next time maybe add green peas? More veggies in this would make me really happy. I know that's even less Indian, but I'm going to try it anyway.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Needs Practicing: Budget Bytes Breakfast Burritos

These were better the second day than they were the first. This is a very very simple recipe. I definitely needed better salsa and it could maybe use a little more oomph-- sauteed onions and peppers maybe? That would be awesome. Still, I feel like these may be the answer to life's problems and I need to figure them out. Because this would be super fast and filling.